Second stage of local plan examination hearings announced
Posted on
February 21, 2018

The public hearings into the borough plan will resume on 17 April for ten days, following the conclusion of the first stage of hearings on 1 February. The plan sets out where in the borough housing and employment land should be allocated and identifies the supporting infrastructure that will be needed.
The second stage of the examination will focus on housing allocations at villages in the borough together with gypsy and traveller allocations, economic development policies and sustainable design, among other matters.
The hearings will take the form of a roundtable discussion led by Mike Hayden, the planning inspector.
Only individuals, groups or organisations who have made representations seeking changes to the plan will have the opportunity to take part, provided they contact the programme officer to register their interest. However, anyone may attend the sessions to observe, subject to space being available.
Cllr Heather Timms, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for growth and investment, said: “The examination in public is an important process that determines whether or not the council’s plan for growth meets all of the legal tests. I am pleased that this independent and objective examination is moving on to its second stage.”
A copy of the inspector’s correspondence, which includes guidance notes and a draft timetable, can be found at along with all of the examination documents.
For further information please contact: Matthew Deaves, on (01788) 533562 or out of hours on 07766 423006, or email
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